Stop dreaming, Start doing…
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 9 years ago
02Aug, 2016

Vijay Shekhar Sharma

Chasing your dream is not an easy task, we all have goals that we say are important to us — getting in shape, building a business, writing a book, and so on but for most of us, the inertia of life holds us back. This is especially true when we’re living a relatively comfortable life.

Here is one of the success story of a person searching for his dreams and finally ends them up to success. Vijay Shekhar Sharma he often had to fight tooth and nail to overcome any obstacles to turn out to be the founder of Paytm, India’s largest mobile e-commerce platform. Vijay did not know how to read and write English for he completed his school education completely in Hindi, in his small town. And it is very difficult for business startup in India to uplift themselves without the proper knowledge of the language. However, he realized soon enough that to make it through college he must start learning the language first and with the help of books, second-hand magazines and his friends , he mastered the language in a way which few can.

I was 25 when my family wanted me to get married but I was jobless at the time. With smartphones becoming popular, we decided to do something around it. And there emerged Paytm, a mobile wallet that can be accessed through smartphones or our website.We started influencing people and that became a massive success as we do 50 million consumers doing 60 million transactions in a month.

One should know the true tactics of this business world and proper startup ideas as we can only learn when we move out of our comfort zone and you can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when you try something new because  the business competition in india has become very difficult nowadays.

"To the winners, who won because they didn't give up."- Vijay Shekhar Sharma