3 Secrets of a Happy Startup Workplace
Author : Senior Writer at Chatur Ideas
Posted : 10 years ago
07Aug, 2015

Startups across the country are known for their work cultures. But, what does it take for a startup to be a happy one? Well, if motivation was the only thing required, would promising employees be shuttling jobs so often? Maybe Not. It is often believed that work culture is established as soon as you have hired your team. They, in the early stages develop the startup culture. Dane Atkinson, CEO, Sumall states, “Your team should form its DNA early." Is culture the only aspect that decides if a startup is a happy workplace or not? The answer is NO. There are several Human Resources secrets behind it too.

Here are 3 secrets of a Happy Startup Workplace

  1. Flexible Working Hours

This should no longer considered a fantasy but it is a booming reality. Startups often make their employees burn the midnight oil. Why not compensate, by allowing them to walk in late at work too? The probability of expecting employees to work till 9 PM and asking them to report again at 10 AM seems too harsh doesn’t it? Flexible work hours makes employees feel that the organization cares about them and does not want to overwork and underpay them. Believe it or not, long working hours has been one of the most common reasons why employees quit startups.

Cali Ressler, co-creator of the Results-Only Work Environment (ROWE), says “companies need to hold employees accountable for results not face time.” In simpler terms, longer hours does not necessarily mean more work. Offering flexible hours helps boost productivity.

  1. Pamper Employees with non - work perks

How many of you have heard employees being sent on reward vacations abroad? It is a common practice among established MNC’s to send goal achievers on trips, why can’t startups do the same? Some startups, have adopted this and it truly serves as a great motivational factor to make employees stick around and work hard.

Other non-work perks include taking employees for retreats and getaways once every 6 months or a year, offering incentives like Sodexo coupons, memberships for gyms and clubs, exclusive holiday destination packages for their families, work picnics with families and so on. This kind of pampering shows care and concern and makes employees feel that they are working for the right organization.

  1. Have a transparent approach

Most employees in today’s era want to know greater detail about the business. By greater detail, we mean finances and critical decisions. Transparency is the key and an organization, which is honest about its business in terms of monies with their employees helps workers invest themselves more. They feel more responsible towards achieving profits for the organization. A workplace where everyone is aware about the success is a happy workplace. When making profits, employees take lots of pride in the success, when making losses, employees find themselves responsible and hence work harder. Either way, it is a win – win situation for an entrepreneur.

Employ these 3 mantras at your workplace and see how it does wonders for your startup.