Striving for the a better world - Preeti Sukumaran
Author : Senior Writer at Chatur Ideas
Posted : 10 years ago
  • Preeti-Sukuraman-Krya-Detergent

Entrepreneurship requires passion and dedication. And if this passion helps to create a better future, nothing is comparable.

Global environment issues have never been of more priority as it is now. With raising temperature and sea-levels to hazardous wastes, Mother Nature needs our grave attention. It is time to buckle up and do our part, however miniscule we feel that part might be.

Krya, the brainchild of Preeti Sukumaran is one such exemplary action for the betterment of our planet.

Chennai-based Preeti has a very diverse educational background. She holds a bachelors degree in zoology from Stella Maris College, Chennai and an MBA from IIM (Kolkata). With such a spectacular educational background, she was already climbing up the ladder to a very successful corporate career.

However, what actually pulled at her heart strings were the causes related to the environment. She believes in sustainable living and urges others to do so with her compelling fortnightly column ‘Green Signal’ in the English newspaper, The Hindu. With a desire to fulfil their passions, she and her husband, both quit their high-flying corporate jobs in 2009, to work for an environment-related business concept.

Things did not happen to them all at once quickly after their monumental decision. They decided to traipse around the world, waiting for something to strike their inspiration and pique their attention.

And in 2010, Preeti and her husband, Srinivas Krishnaswamy, decided to turn their relationship into business partnership and start their own company, Krya.

Krya is a result of months of extensive research on plant-based products and their effects on the human body. The husband-wife duo shunned all synthetic goods to use only plant-based products and immediately realised that not only does it protect the environment, but also results in a glowing skin and luscious mane and acts as a safe alternative to other synthetic every-day products.

They agreed on a unique business model for their product by promoting the products before launching them in the market. So, while the issues of product research, website design and others were being worked upon, they simultaneously decided to open a Facebook page and blog to promote their products.

This had a very positive effect because by the time their products were launched in 2011, the curiosity and interest for them and a potential customer base was already in place. All this was taken care in a miniscule amount of 6 lakh rupees. And, their sales today are amounting to Rs. 1 lakh per month.

Krya believes in vegan and cruelty free products. Krya products are made from natural ingredients and are recyclable or can be reused.

Preeti loves to research about technologies, organic ingredients and developing new sustainable products. Krya deals in diverse products from detergents to sanitary napkins and much more are yet to come, thanks to the founder’s penchant for sustainable product development.

Preeti already has plans to set up her own organic farm; the produce from which would be used in making the Krya products.

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