Business strategies to adopt in 2017
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 8 years ago
Business strategies to adopt in 2017
17Jan, 2017

The year 2016 was quite eventful and sensational. The whole world including India saw some incredibly unusual trends and incidents. From elections to economic reforms and terrorism to Olympics; the year brought a bouquet of events. As the year 2016 says Good Bye and 2017 starts with a big bang, entrepreneurs make plans for the coming year. Those who expanded the business earlier want to see the results this year. Those who are in the process of expansion feel quite tense and anxious. 

Experts say that in the dynamic business scenario today, it is always advisable that business owners review and alter business strategy every year. Incorporate the technical and other changes happened in the environment. Check the competitive scenario and follow the best practices.

Here are some useful and effective strategies that would be prevalent in 2017:

Articulate the business vision this year

Experts say that even successful entrepreneurs fail in articulating the business vision to them, others or business stakeholders. Yes, it is the hard fact that it becomes pretty difficult to see the forest when you look at the trees.  Thus, even the entrepreneur becomes speechless when somebody asks about what business he or she owns? The discussion ends up by explaining the operational things, and not the vision of the business.

This year, spend some time in getting a grip on your vision. Make it a practice to remind about it regularly. Believe it or not, but it is one of the best strategies one should follow.

Redundancy is the key to success

Sounds strange, isn’t it? Yes, when you make something redundant in the business, it means you are reducing the dependency. As an entrepreneur, you should start from yourself.  Make yourself redundant and see how the business moves in the auto mode.  Do not lose the grip over your business, but let it come to such a level of efficiency that you can concentrate on other ideas in 2017.

You are stagnant if you are not taking risks

Do you think the business has already reached up to the stage where there is nothing much to explore? If yes, then it is the right time to take some risk in 2017. Think about a revolutionary idea and seek the possibility of implementing the same. Don’t discard it even if it looks absurd. 

Start the New Year with a new hope and enthusiasm. Develop new business strategies and take it to new heights.