Could collaboration grow your business?
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 8 years ago
Business Ideas Mumbai
20Jan, 2017

Collaboration in an organization brings multiple benefits. When the teams interact better, more communication lines get opened, there are increased cross-functional dialogues, and better learning and understanding. Each team that collaborates with others learns so many new things in the process.

Not only each of the team members improves qualitatively by collaborating, but your customers also get directly benefited by it. They get improved products and services and enhanced user experience. You communicate about the brand more effectively, and it is possible to develop incredible pricing strategies.

All the benefits listed here take your business to new heights of progress.

What are the different ways people collaborate?

Statistics proves that when teams collaborate with each other well, they show a significant development in service and quality. You achieve new heights year on year, and the growth rate is pretty consistent. Experts say that there are two ways of collaborating in a team.

Structured Collaboration

When you implement a collaboration and project management tool in the organization, people get a sharing function where they can share and access common information pool. The collection of information is accessible to all. It saves time and resources.

Informal Collaboration

When organizations do not implement structured collaboration tools but give ample space and the opportunity to people to collaborate, still there is a significant benefit. Employee satisfaction and productivity significantly increase and employee satisfaction index reach sky high.

Remember, whether you implement a formal tool or use informal collaborative methods; the benefit can be achieved only if collaboration becomes a formal directive from the top management. It has to come from the top management. Otherwise, investment incurred in procuring and implementing collaborative tools will be wasted.

Organizational efficiency can be increased by taking collaboration into the cultural DNA of the company.

When customers collaborate, it elevates the product standard

Do you think that collaboration is something that should be kept in the four walls of the company? No, it isn’t! In fact, when customers collaborate, it takes the product quality to new heights. Even if you reduce budgets for product research and development, collaborative standards can bring brilliant results.

For example, a company engaged in digital printing invites product personalization ideas from customers.  It gets brilliant and vibrant ideas than enhance the scope and quality of deliverables. The outcomes are better market visibility and business opportunity. Thus, collaboration is the key to success for every company, big or small.