Is Buying Medicines online the next big thing in India?
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 9 years ago
Is Buying Medicines online the next big thing in India
25Jan, 2016

You don’t need to read buyer stats or research for buying patterns to find out that – it is well obvious now that a large buyer segment today belongs to the internet ecosystem! You name a product, a service or an event and people will madly rush online to look for sources where they can buy them. This inclination, to buy online, is increasing day by day and quite understandably, is anticipated to grow by manifolds in the coming years. Given the tendency, it should not be surprising to see if buyers are happy to buy medicines online. Rather that very much opens up an all-new option for the medicine manufacturers and retailers to promote their products online and provide the buying option through the internet.

But, as regards India, the idea to buy medicines online is yet in its toddling years. The medicinal purchase is obviously a serious thing as it is directly associated to one’s health and therefore, a large community of people still wants a human face to hand them over the medicines. It is equally strange to see that Indian buyers don’t mind buyer over the counter drugs as if they find a chemist to be as reliable as a physician. This facility, of a human touch and assurance, though goes missing online and is a logical base to the fact that buying medicines online is not profound in India.

Looking towards the convenience and speed of online shopping, we got enough reasons to say that the idea will trigger in future, maybe in some years from now. Buying communities in India are split into numerous segments and, of course, there is a specific segment that is ready to go with this idea. A big buyer community in India is already getting nutritional medication or medicines with supplemental values through online sources. However, people in this segment don’t rely upon online sources for prescription drugs; they rather visit a druggist to get them reliably.

Prospects of buying medicines online are good however stipulations from authorities in this respect are yet awaited, and they matter a lot. The increasing trend for online purchase calls for a more serious view about specifically which type of drugs can be bought online and which ones should be refrained from! The comfort of buying medicines cannot come at the cost of health and some concise guidelines in this regard would help here – not only to the buyers but also drug and medicine manufacturers.