4 Ways to Access Your Creative Genius
Author : Writer at Chatur Idea
Posted : 8 years ago
4 Ways to Access Your Creative Genius Chatur
16Jun, 2016

It is said that each of us is gifted with creativity and imagination. However, a few of us make use of it, and the rest of the population doesn’t even realize that they also possess the same powers. Experts say that it can be nurtured and utilized by putting a little effort. Want to know some amazing secrets that will bring out the incredible creative genius hidden underneath the mind? Here are top four ways to access it.

Start thinking out of the box

Remember, creativity is nothing but the escape from rationality. All great inventions are the results of absurd thinking. When you want to unleash the creative power within you, just come out of your comfort zone of thoughts. Try to think in a different perspective. Try something that you have always been avoiding. Explore your likes and dislikes and get astonished with the result. It is a fact that creative genius can be explored by leaving aside the logics.

For a few days, just don’t do anything

When your mind is occupied with mundane things, creativity dies. Those who want to come out with creative ideas must give free time to the mind when there is nothing to do. Believe it or not, it would be the most creative time for you. If you are an entrepreneur, stop thinking about your business. If you are a professional, forget about the clients. Just be with you for some time and get amazed with your creativity.

Jot down your thoughts and ideas

Some people keep aside some time for creative thoughts. They scribble whatever comes to their mind. Sometimes, wonderful ideas flash all of a sudden. Practice it regularly and see the miracle. When you set the mind free for thinking anything, most creative ideas come out. Whether it is about starting a new business venture or spending a vacation with the dear ones; the options are mind-boggling. Experts say that when you do it, your mind cleanses the clutter and gets reset to an imaginative state which is the fundamental characteristic of your mind.

Stop thinking negative

Since creativity needs freedom from rationality, you must forget about anything negative. Don’t think “it is not possible”.  Rather, train your mind to believe in “Everything is possible”. Of course, it is quite a tough job. However, you have to do it to get success.

Try these groundbreaking ideas to let your creativity blossom!